Signature Smoked Products


Signature Smoked Products

At Midwinter Khaoyai, #TasteBest is one promise we always make to customers, no matter where we serve the food, either at our restaurant or right at your home. Now, we have come up with 4 signature smoked products, available for #Free home delivery. From now on, you can own the original Midwinter taste right at your home. We promise that they will taste just perfect, like when you have it at our restaurant.

Try them all! These are 4 smoked dishes that have their best tastes guaranteed.

 B.B.Q. Pork Rib
 Ham Pork Neck
 Ham Pork Chop
 Pork Knuckle Leg

Special promotion! #Free delivery for a minimum order of 990 THB

Buy online at…
Shopee: search ‘Midwinter’
Line: search ‘@Midwinter’
Call: 082 452 8888

**Original tastes guaranteed**

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